About Us

There’s nothing like HealthToday for enhancing your health today.
And tomorrow.


Modern healthcare systems have produced one medical miracle after another. But as consumers of healthcare, students of solutions for healthy living passed from generation to generation, and children of aging parents who joyfully lived on and on after diagnoses of severe disease, we witnessed the power of positive thinking, hopefulness, and a mind-body-spirit approach to wellness.

What’s particularly exciting: everything we just described was backed up by data obtained via rigorous scientific research.

As for the mind-body connection, look no further than the benefits of mindfulness. A review of 47 studies published in JAMA Internal Medicine found mindfulness meditation can be an effective treatment for symptoms of anxiety and depression. And in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, a study revealed that stress-reduction techniques – including meditation – can improve immune function and decrease the risk of illness.

Much of this was known long before medical journals – or printing presses, for that matter – even existed. On the Stanford Medicine website, Ernest Rosenbaum, M.D. and Isadora Rosenbaum, M.A. said, “We have known for over 2,000 years – from the writings of Plato and Galen— that there is a direct correlation between the mind, the body, and one’s health.” They added a conclusion by Plato:

“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”


Surprisingly, with the benefits of prevention and wellness widely accepted in the medical community, western healthcare has, to a large degree, continued to focus on treating sickness and disease.

That’s why we created HealthToday.

On HealthToday, we lead with hope and positivity in every piece of editorial content. We enhance human health with a mind-body-spirit approach based on centuries of human civilization – including the 5,000-year-old Chinese culture. Among many other things, HealthToday viewers discover the health benefits – again, backed by scientific data – of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

Healthtoday Mission

Improve global health by accelerating the shift from a focus on treating sickness and disease to one of disease prevention and wellness.

Our Editorial Process

HealthToday content is as accessible as it is reliable. With more than 50 board-certified physicians and other medical professionals on our Medical Advisory Board – combined with 100% evidence-based content – you get a total approach to health and wellness.

Board of Medical Advisors

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